Charities and good causes that we support in the UK

When a dog is in distress, we care for them. When a dog needs a home, we find them a loving family. When an owner needs a helping hand (or paw) – or they just can’t cope, we’re ready to step in. 

Friends of the earth -

Friends of the Earth is a grassroots environmental campaigning community. From our campaigners and lawyers to local action groups and supporters across the country, we push for change for people and planet. And together we make change happen.

British Red Cross:

Partnering with other red cross and red crescent organisations to provide emergency humanitarian aid around the world when disaster strikes

Sponsor a beehive: 

Helping to reverse, on a local basis, the fact that bee populations all over the world continue to decline due to the rampant use of pesticides and other environmental factors like climate change. 


Helping to improve the lives of working animals such as donkeys around the world – over 291,000 animals helped every year.

Battersea cats and dogs home:

Finding new homes for unwanted and abandoned cats and dogs and providing love and care while the animals are waiting for their ‘’forever home’’.

Sense -

Helping disabled children access education, playgroups and holidays, so they have the same life experiences as everyone else. 

Equality Now -

This charity uses the law to protect and promote the human rights of all women and girls. They create, reform, challenge, and apply the law to establish enduring equality for women and girls everywhere.

Friends of the earth -

Pushing for change on causes of importance such as empowering local people to make their communities better for everyone, lobby for government action on the energy crisis and fighting for environmental and social justice globally.

Water Aid

Their mission is to ensure that everyone on planet earth has immediate access to clean drinking water and water for sanitation - something we take for granted in the West every day

The Donkey Sanctuary -

This charity aims to transform the lives of donkeys in need worldwide by fostering greater understanding, collaboration and support, and by promoting lasting, mutually life-enhancing relationships. They have a vision for a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued.

The Humane League -

Ending the worst abuses of innocent animals who live painful lives—suffering from extreme overgrowth, confinement, crippling injuries, and frightening deaths.

The following companies (well done to these) have all enacted animal welfare policies thanks to this charity's tireless acitivism and campaigning - Piza Hut, Wagamama, Pret A Manger, KFC, ASK Italian, Travelodge, Tesco, Spar, Lidl, Aldi, Morrisons and many other leading brands are in the process of change.





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